Author: Bantam Outdoors

scout camp location

Scout Camp Locations

Use the map below to find the locations for most of the Scout Camps; including High Adventure Bases, located in the United States. This is

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canister fuel comparisons
Backcountry Fuels

Canister Fuel Weight Comparison

Isobutane fuel canisters for backpacking stoves are primarily sold in three net weight sizes of 110g, 230g and 450g with the majority of brands having isobutane mixtures around 80% butane and 20% propane. Manufacturers deviate slightly from these net weights and mix ratios and this should be considered when purchasing along cost.

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temperature impact on isobutane fuel canister
Backcountry Fuels

How Temperature Impacts Isobutane

What is Isobutane? Isobutane is the most common canister fuel used around the world today for small lightweight backpacking style canister stoves. Isobutane is a

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best for backpacking fuel, isobutane or white gas
Backcountry Fuels

Best Backpacking Fuel

The question about which backcountry fuel is best has been long debated. This post focuses on comparing canister fuel (isobutane) to liquid fuel (white gas)

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